Employee Benefits


Employers with 2 to 50 employees face overwhelming challenges in today’s employee benefits environment. With the advent of the Affordable Health Care law premiums are rising at alarming rates while the employee’s benefit plan reflect higher deductibles and out of pocket limits.

Maintaining a quality Employee Benefits Plan is essential in retaining an employer’s work force. At PBS, Inc. we work with employers to design benefits options that meet the needs of both the employer and the employee.

In the 2-50 employee market place most employers are limited to the ACA metallic plan options. We can advise those employers how to implement a quality plan that will meet the needs of the employer and the employee’s.

For employers with 10 to 50 employees there are considerably more options available. There are options available that meet the criteria of, if you like your plan you can keep your plan and if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
With over 32 years of experience in providing employers and employees with benefit plans we are well positioned to help and welcome the opportunity to assist you in these trying times.


Fully insured plans 2 to 50 Employees:
  • All major insurance companies represented

 Level funded Options (10 Employees and up):

  • Looks, feels and works like a fully insured plan
  • Not limited to the metallic plan options (if you like your plan you can keep your plan)
  • Opportunity to share in positive claims experience

 Self Funded Options (25 Employees and up):

Administration and claims are billed separately

  • Specific and aggregate Insurance is purchased to provide protection against large claims
  • Positive claims experience is immediately recognized

Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRA):

  • Supports a fully insured high deductible plan and reimburses employees for certain qualified medical expenses
  • Reduces fully insured health insurance premiums

Health Savings Account (HSA)

  • Supported by a qualified High Deductible Health Plan
  • Allows for tax deductible contributions to an HSA
  • Allows for tax free reimbursement for qualified medical expenses
  • Reduces fully insured health insurance premiums

Ancillary Products:

  • Dental Plans
  • Employer paid and voluntary
  • Vision Plans
  • Long Term Disability Plans
  • Short Term Disability Plans
  • TDB alternatives

With the advent of Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) employers with 50 or more employees are facing a rapidly changing employee healthcare environment.

At PBS. Inc we recognize the importance of keeping our clients up to date on how the Affordable Health Care Act is affecting how they deliver Benefits. One of our primary concerns is their compliance with the law.

Our clients have access to:

  • Human Resource data portals
  • ERISA Attorney for compliance


  • Fully insured with all major carriers
  • Level funding
  • Self funding
  • Consumer driven healthcare
    - Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRA)
    - Health Savings Accounts (HSA)


  • Employer sponsored
  • Voluntary
  • Fully insured
  • Self funded

Long Term Disability

Short Term Disability


For as long as I can remember employers have been asking why can’t small employers’ band together to form one large “Consortium” to control health care costs.

Until recently this concept, while practical in theory was virtually impossible to administer.

For the past year and half we have been working to make this concept a reality and I am pleased to tell you that we have assembled all of the professionals needed and our Consortium is ready to launch.
All we need to launch is for you to let us know that you’re interested. It will take approximately 500 enrolled employees’ to get the consortium off the ground.
This link will take you to a 23 minute webinar that will explain in more detail this exciting concept. 


Complete the attached information request for more information. 


For over 25 years, Professional Business Solutions has been recognized for its professionalism, integrity, and commitment to the quality and implementation of our services. We recognize that true value is ultimately measured by the loyalty and satisfaction of the businesses we serve, which is why we are proud to provide references to potential clients and to answer any inquiries they may have about what Professional Business Solutions can do for them.

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Professional Business Solutions
17 Ross Court - Manahawkin, NJ 08050
Phone 609 597 6949
Fax 609 597 8752
Toll Free 1800 850 4509

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